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Webcit built successfully with locale support, but it's nailed to one.

This is might be dependant with your LANGUAGE environment variable. If you call 'unset LANGUAGE' and the behaviour disapears, you're done. In case of your os being *BSD, you can use this to specify the locale for the whole webserver process; no per thread (per user / login) locale here so far.

Note: you can use the environment variable WEBCIT_LANG to enforce a locale; use that if you want your WebCit locked to one specific language.

Upstream documentation of GNU GetText environment Variables

If you're using Debian packages you can run:

dpkg-reconfigure locales
and select the locales you need. (the patterns you select should contain .UTF8 at the end, and look like en_US)

If you run

it should list something like that: (the UTF8 is important)
Generating locales (this might take a while)...
es_ES.UTF-8... done
de_DE.UTF-8... done

You might check back whether the files appeared; eventually you need to reinstall the citadel-webcit package.

find /usr/share/locale/ -name webcit.mo
should verify that the files are present.

Then restart webcit,

/etc/init.d/webcit stop
/etc/init.d/webcit start
so it can make use of them.

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