How can I import LDIF format contacts into an address book room?
Im Phillips suggested this method:
This was found to work on KDE 3.5.2, running on Ubuntu Dapper RC-1 (with
kubuntu-desktop installed). To allow kontact to use a citadel address book, I
started kontact, and selected the "Contacts" icon on the left. Then I clicked on
the "Add" button at the bottom. This brought up a dialog box to select the type
of address book to add. After selecting groupdav, and hitting the OK button, a
dialog box came up, allowing the URL, username, and password to be specified. I
had some trouble getting the URL right. I had created an address book on the main
floor, with name "Shared Contacts". I found the following URL to work:
Without the port number, the URL is not found. It doesn't work without the folder
name, either. I guessed the folder name by looking at the "room=" part of the URL
when looking at the room in webcit. After successfully connecting to the room, I
was able to import an LDIF contact list into the room, using the kontact import
adress-book feature. Well I hope this helps someone get over the same or similar hurdles.