If you need to migrate a Citadel installation from one of the legacy .DEB or .RPM packages to the Easy Install or Docker versions, you will need to relocate your files between these locations.
/usr/local/citadel Citadel Server, utilities, and the command-line client /usr/local/citadel/data All databases live here /usr/local/webcit WebCit web user interface for Citadel /usr/local/ctdlsupport Libraries such as libcitadel
/usr/share/citadel-server/help The help files for the commandline client /etc/citadel/messages Welcome messages and so on. /etc/ssl/citadel Server SSL Certificates /etc/citadel Command-line client configuration such as citadel.rc /var/lib/citadel/files Upload and download library /var/lib/citadel/data All databases live here /var/run/citadel PID and Socket files /usr/sbin Server binaries such as citserver and sendcommand /usr/lib/citadel Administrative tools such as setup /usr/bin/citadel User tools such as the command-line client /usr/lib/citadel-server Server utilities /usr/share/doc/citadel-server/examples Example scrips such as database_cleanup.sh